Tacoma DUI Defense Lawyers
Providing Clients with a Strong Defense Through the Criminal Process
Being arrested for a DUI is both scary and overwhelming. Our Tacoma DUI defense lawyers have been defending people arrested and charged with DUI for over 40 years. We believe that part of our job is to provide you with as much information as possible so that you can make the most informed decision.
Often, a DUI charge is the first and only interaction people will have as a defendant in our criminal justice system. It can be an overwhelming experience and not something to take lightly. You need an attorney that will not only fight hard for you but one that can guide you through the whole process.
We pride ourselves on taking the stress from our clients so they can get back to their lives. Below you will find answers to some of the most common questions our clients have had over the years.
Contact us at 253-465-2722 to set up a free consultation with our criminal defense firm.
Can Driving Under the Influence Result in a License Suspension?
A DUI charge in Washington has both criminal and civil license consequences that could cause your license to be suspended or revoked. You have a short time to respond to the civil license sanctions by the Department of Licensing. You need to act fast, or else you will lose your chance to fight the charges.
If you are arrested for a DUI because you have a blood alcohol level over the legal limit, or if you are accused of refusing to take the blood alcohol test, then you may risk your driver’s license suspension. If this is your first offense or the only offense within the last seven years, then your license suspension may last as long as 90 days.
Legal Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)
The legal blood alcohol content (BAC) threshold for being charged with a DUI in Washington State is 0.08% (or 0.04% for operating a commercial vehicle and 0.02% for a driver under the age of 21). Once it’s determined that the BAC is at least 0.08%, the following license suspensions come into play:
- If the BAC was less than .15 or no test was obtained, the license will be suspended for 90 days.
- If the BAC was above .15, the license would be revoked for one year.
- If the driver refused to take the test, their license would be revoked for two years.
Potential First Time DUI Consequences
Jail Time and Fines
Your first DUI conviction will also require at least two days in jail (with a maximum of one year in jail) and fines up to $5,000.
Ignition interlock device (IID)
The installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) is now required with all DUI convictions in the state of Washington. There is typically a five-year probation period for everyone found guilty of a DUI.
License Suspension
In hopes of avoiding license suspension, speak with a DUI lawyer as soon as possible so that you can start building your defense.
For more information, please see:
Is There Any Way To Avoid Having A License Suspended Due To A DUI?
The driver can request a DUI hearing from the DOL in which they can argue that their license shouldn’t be suspended. While the form itself is not complicated to fill out and submit, there are restrictions and deadlines that make it worthwhile to have a DUI attorney’s assistance. Any deadlines or restrictions that are not met will invalidate the request, and the hearing will be denied. Note that even if someone properly files a hearing request, they’ll hear from the DOL about two weeks after the arrest that their license is suspended for 90 days.
It’s important to understand that this hearing differs from a criminal court case. The latter has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. A suspension hearing only needs to prove something called “a preponderance of evidence,” which is a lower threshold and easier to prove. It’s also important to know that even if the hearing takes place, it does not replace the criminal case, which still goes forward.
After the hearing, the DOL will either revoke the license suspension or order it to go forward. In the latter case, the driver can either appeal the decision or apply for an ignition interlock device (IID) or do both. An IID is a device that is attached to the vehicle’s ignition and requires the driver to blow into and test with less than 0.025% BAC in order for the ignition to start. It also has a camera that records who’s using the device.
In any event, a DUI can easily cause a license suspension. Hiring an experienced DUI attorney to advise and guide you has the potential to make a difference, depending on the circumstances around the DUI arrest.
What Happens if You Had a Previous DUI Legal Issue Sometime in the Last Seven Years?
If you have a prior conviction for DUI or a prior DUI charge that was reduced, you will be facing severe mandatory minimum jail time and increased fines on your current DUI charge.
A second DUI offense within the same seven-year timeframe can result in a license suspension lasting two years in length. These defendants must also serve either 30 days in jail or 60 days of house arrest with electronic home monitoring.
Additional DUI charges within the same seven years result in even harsher consequences.
Our DUI defense lawyers in Tacoma have handled cases with prior DUI offenses, which is critical to avoid lengthy prison sentences.
What is the Penalty for Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Possession of Marijuana?
With the increased use of prescription drugs and both recreational and medical marijuana, there has been a steady increase in drug DUI arrests and charges. Defending these types of DUIs is different from the common alcohol DUI.
The evidence the government will attempt to use against you is subject to different attacks and arguments. Having an attorney who knows how to handle this type of DUI is critical to the case’s outcome. Make sure any attorney you speak with knows what they are talking about and can provide more than adequate legal help for you through this criminal process.
For more information, please see:
What is a Defense to a Felony DUI Charge?
There are a number of ways in which a person can be charged with a felony DUI, and all of them should be taken extremely seriously. A felony charge puts you at risk of much longer prison sentences, higher fines, and greater loss of rights.
Felony DUI cases often involve multiple prior DUI charges or serious injury to another person. Either way, it is absolutely necessary to hire an attorney experienced in handling felony DUI charges, such as a DUI lawyer at the South Sound Law Group in Tacoma, WA.
Can Criminal Defense Lawyers Help a Minor Who Gets a DUI?
A minor arrested for a DUI charge can be facing either a “Minor DUI” or a regular DUI, depending on the amount of alcohol, marijuana, or drugs in their system.
A conviction for any alcohol or drug offenses as a minor can have serious long-term consequences for a young person’s life. It can impact future employment, education, and insurance rates.
Due to the serious nature of these types of offenses and the minor’s age, judges and prosecutors are always cautious in how they deal with these cases. It’s important to hire a criminal defense lawyer familiar with Minor DUIs.
Is There Any Winning Defense for This Legal Situation?
As with all other types of criminal cases, an individual charged with a DUI in the state of Washington has the right to a legal defense.
Blood alcohol breathalyzer tests have been established to be unreliable when presented as evidence, so your Tacoma DUI defense lawyer may want to examine the results of such a test. Other times, these cases come down to the behavior of the arresting officers. Your DUI attorney may review the case and find that the officer had no probable cause to stop or search you or perhaps extend the stop beyond reason.
Some people arrested for a DUI weren’t even the ones behind the wheel of the car during the arrest. It is not fair to risk jail time and license suspension for driving under the influence when you were not the one driving. If this was the case, the lead attorney on your case would raise this point in your defense.
If you were not properly arrested and read your rights, then your DUI defense attorney may be able to use this to your benefit in a courtroom trial as well.
The prosecution wants you to feel hopeless in a time like this, but there is always hope, and there are always defense strategies available. Speak to our law firm to learn how our defense attorneys may be able to assist you.
Protect Your Rights Against DUI Convictions
As with reckless driving or a negligent driving charge, being found guilty of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can result in severe, life-altering consequences. Drivers could risk license suspension, extended jail time, costly legal fees, as well as a mandatory ignition interlock device.
But there are lawyers available to you who can provide you with a strong defense, which may result in reductions or dismissals. It is possible that, with the right DUI attorney, you could see prison time replaced with community service, probation, and DUI programs.
You don’t want just any attorney with a Washington law degree. You want someone who works diligently, but also someone with years of experience, backed up by a legal team of professionals who’ve helped clients just like you out of legal issues just like this before. You will find such a DUI attorney at the law offices of the South Sound Law Group in Tacoma, WA.
While no outcome can be guaranteed, DUI offenders can trust that they are better off with the strong representation of an attorney from our office while facing down the might of the state’s criminal justice system. Make no mistake about it; the prosecution will go to great lengths to see all drunk drivers in the state punished to the greatest extent of the law. And that is why you need a DUI lawyer in Tacoma who will fight just as aggressively to defend your case in the courtroom.
Call Our Tacoma DUI Defense Lawyers Today
Our law firm offers a confidential and free consultation to all potential new clients. If you are lost and looking for help through this difficult situation, you will find assistance here. We welcome every person who enters our offices with respect and decency.
If you are facing a DUI charge based on marijuana, drugs, alcohol, or other criminal charges, call our DUI defense lawyers in Tacoma today to schedule a free consultation at 253-465-2722.